The Healthy Boys Project (HBP) is a program designed to help create social environments at schools and in other childhood organizations that support and nurture the development of healthy boys (K – 6th grade).
Developed in collaboration with Merge for Equality, HBP helps to develop the capacities of teachers and other staff to encourage the promotion of healthy boyhood; along with efforts to create an organizational setting that becomes an environment conducive to healthy boy development.
Key components include:
1. Intensive Promoting Healthy Boys Training,
2. Post-training coaching and technical assistance to support the integration of the content,
3. Assessment of the school/organizational culture and norms along with a report of recommendations as to ways each school or organization can create a culture that is more conducive of promoting healthy boys.
Core Premises:
- Boys are inherently loving, caring and sensitive;
- Boys are exposed to harmful gender norms and stereotypes, starting at a young age;
- Boys benefit from unearned male privileges starting at a young age, and at the expense of girls, transgender and gender non-conforming children, leading to gender inequality in families, schools, and communities;
- Harmful forms of masculinity continue to foster social, cultural, academic, political, and economic under-achievement, disease and violence;
- We need to change the way we socialize boys in order to create a more safe, healthy and equitable future.