Benefits of Sustained Enhancement

Higher Retention Rates

Students, faculty and staff… Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus venenatis suscipit.

Higher Satisfaction

Students have higher satisfaction with their college experience, faculty and staff have higher satisfaction with work environment…

Decrease in Bias, Bullying and Harassment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus venenatis suscipit.

Increase in Student Diversity

Including an increase in diversity among student leadership positions… Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus venenatis suscipit.


Click below to take some of my free assessments and start our work together!


My goal in offering trainings is to help increase the comfort, confidence and capacity of the participants to integrate the content we cover into their efforts.  As such, I resist doing pre-packaged or pre-set trainings.  I aim to customize all trainings in order to best meet the folks you want to train where they are, and assist in developing their (individual and collective) comfort, confidence and capacity.  

The customizing process is the work I do with an organization prior to the training in order to adapt the training to a particular audience, community and context.  The follow up is following u p with you about my experience from offering the training, an assessment of


Training Topics

  • Recovering Masculinities
  • What’s Wrong with this Picture
  • An Introduction to Engaging Men


Training Packages

Includes 5 hours of preparation and 3 hours of follow-up

Cost: $1500 plus expenses

Includes 3 hours of preparation and 2 hours of follow up.

Cost: $750 + expenses

In these options, you get to decide a menu of possible uses of my time with you (for example, 3 one-hour workshops, one-hour of planning and a 4-hour training)

  • 8 hours – $1250 plus expenses (includes up to 3 hours of Preparation)
  • 12 hours – $1600 plus expenses (includes up to 4 hours of Preparation)
  • 15 hours – $2250 plus expenses (includes up to 5 hours of Preparation)
  • 20 hours – $3000 plus expenses (includes up to 5 hours of Preparation)
  • 24 hours – $3500 plus expenses (includes up to 6 hours of Preparation)

Consulting & Technical Assistance

Consulting & Technical Assistance

My consulting/TA services are another way that I work with you to develop your comfort, confidence and capacity to engage in the effort we’re addressing.  My Consulting and TA services are designed primarily to fall into four areas:  



  • Engaging Men in Violence Prevention
  • Providing Services to Men and Boys
  • Promoting Healthy Masculinities
  • Creating a welcoming, respectful and valuing environment



Fee Structure:

Since every Consultation/TA effort is unique, the cost is determined by negotiation with each organization and community involved.  I will submit to you a contract of services, you choose amongst the menu of services I offer to determine which will work best for you.

My general fee is a sliding scale:  $85 – 125 per hour plus expenses.


Strategic Planning Services

Strategic planning services are to help you and your organization develop a strategic plan to make the progress that you identify as needing in order to achieve your goals (such as, being more effective at engaging men and boys, providing more and better services to men and boys, promoting healthy masculinities, or creating a welcoming, respectful and valuing environment.


Strategic planning services, like consulting and TA services, are negotiable and will depend upon the services you decide you need.


My general fee is a sliding scale:  $85 – 125 per hour plus expenses.